Welcome to KEEN Cyber, where cybersecurity is not just a service; it's a commitment born out of inspiration and the passion to demystify cybersecurity. Founded by Rebecca and supported by a dedicated team, KEEN Cyber emerged from a shared vision and a desire to redefine the traditional model of cybersecurity consultancy.

Together, Rebecca and the KEEN Cyber team discovered the pitfalls of the conventional cybersecurity consulting landscape. They witnessed clients being let down by vendor-specific approaches that often prioritised pushing certain products over finding tailored solutions. This led to misaligned strategies, wasted resources, and, ultimately, frustration for businesses seeking robust cybersecurity.


Meet the Team

At KEEN Cyber, we believe in a different approach. We champion honesty, integrity, and an unwavering drive to ensure businesses receive precisely what they need in cybersecurity—nothing less. Unlike many consultancies, we don’t work on commission or incentives.

Instead, our mission is clear: to provide the right solutions without compromise, safeguarding your interests above all.



Rebecca and the KEEN Cyber team’s journey is a story of frustration transformed into inspiration. With diverse backgrounds and a shared vision for a better way, they’ve created a company that stands out in the cybersecurity industry. At KEEN Cyber, we’re not just another vendor; we’re your trusted partner in safeguarding your digital assets.



Embark on this exciting journey with us as we fortify your cybersecurity together. Welcome to KEEN Cyber, where your interests are our top priority. We invite you to experience a cybersecurity partnership like never before—committed, transparent, and focused on protecting what matters most to you.

In our digital age, safeguarding against cyber threats is not just a necessity; it's the strategic imperative for every successful business.