Privacy Policy


Keen Cyber (“we”, “us”, “our”) is committed to protecting your privacy and the personal information you provide to us. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information when you visit our website, (“Website”).

Types of Information We Collect

We collect two types of information from you:

  • Non-personal information: This is information that does not identify you as an individual, such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, and referring website. We collect this information to help us understand how people use our website and to improve our website’s functionality.
  • Personal information: This is information that can identify you as an individual, such as your name, email address, and phone number. We collect this information when you:
    • Contact us through our website.
    • Sign up for our newsletter.
    • Apply for a job.

How We Use Your Information

We use the information we collect from you for the following purposes:

  • To provide and improve our website and our services.
  • To communicate with you about our website, our services, and other promotional offers
  • To comply with our legal obligations

Sharing Your Information

We do not share your personal information with third parties unless:

  • You have consented to us sharing your information.
  • We are required to share your information by law or regulation.
  • We are required to share your information to protect our rights or property.

Where We Store Your Information

We store your personal information on secure servers in the United Kingdom. We also use cloud-based services to store your information. These services are subject to the same security standards as our own servers.

How We Protect Your Information

We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include:

  • Access controls to our systems
  • Data encryption
  • Regular security audits

Your Choices

You have the following choices regarding your personal information:

  • To opt out of receiving marketing communications from us, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by following the unsubscribe instructions in any email we send you.
  • To access and update your personal information, you can contact us at [email protected]
  • To request the deletion of your personal information, you can contact us at [email protected]

Changes to this Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time. If we make material changes to this Policy, we will notify you by email or by posting a notice on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at [email protected]